
Der ÖIF ist Ihr Ansprechpartner für gelungene Integration in Österreich. Wir informieren Sie, wie Sie den Grundstein für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben in Österreich legen können. Gemeinsam mit unseren Berater/innen planen Sie wichtige Schritte Ihrer Integration und erfahren, mit welchen Ansprechpartnern und Behörden Sie dafür in Kontakt treten. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen wir bedarfsorientiert finanzielle Unterstützungen für Deutschkurse.

Wichtige Information für Asyl- und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte

Fokus der ÖIF-Beratungen

Beratung in Gemeinden

Dokumente für die Erstberatung und den Deutschkurs im Integrationszentrum hochladen

Chatbot öffnen

Despre cookie-uri

This website uses cookies. Those have two functions: On the one hand they are providing basic functionality for this website. On the other hand they allow us to improve our content for you by saving and analyzing anonymized user data. You can redraw your consent to using these cookies at any time. Find more information regarding cookies on our Informații privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal and regarding us on the Imprimă.

Aceste cookie-uri sunt necesare pentru o bună funcționare a site-ului nostru.

Nume Scop Durata de viaţă Tip Distribuitor
CookieConsent Îți salvează consimțământul de a utiliza cookie-uri. 1 an HTML Website
fe_typo_user Assigns your browser to a session on the server. sesiune HTTP Website

With the help of these cookies we strive to improve our offer for our users. By means of anonymized data of website users we can optimize the user flow. This enables us to improve ads and website content.

Nume Scop Durata de viaţă Tip Distribuitor
_pk_id Used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID. 13 luni HTML Matomo
_pk_ref Used to store the attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website. 6 luni HTML Matomo
_pk_ses Short lived cookie used to temporarily store data for the visit. 30 minute HTML Matomo
_pk_cvar Short lived cookie used to temporarily store data for the visit. 30 minute HTML Matomo
_pk_hsr Short lived cookie used to temporarily store data for the visit. 30 minute HTML Matomo